Monday, May 25, 2020
Key Pieces of Ielts Essay Samples
<h1> Key Pieces of Ielts Essay Samples</h1> <p>An scholastic letter isn't just a record that can feature your dominance when it respects a particular scholarly subject. Your scholastic exposition ought to bring out a feeling that is expected to start various thoughts, assessments and different sorts of reactions. Opportunity of articulation and discourse is a basic segment of most of present day social orders. Uncover proof after your postulation explanation introduction. </p> <p>Conclusion any place your publicizing research paper will give the entirety of the data with respect to the valuable and negative sides of a thing and the clearness of the entirety of the work that was made by the essayist. There are a few ecofriendly innovative options in contrast to what society uses today that are not as harming for nature. The key point to recollect about business articles is they have to introduce content that is relevant to the all out subject, and your co ntentions are upheld by hidden realities, references and models. To lay it out plainly, a scholarly article might be a proof of the profundity of your examination methods and the remainder of the exercises which you have executed so you can bolster the substance of your composed yield. </p> <p>The articulation Price' alludes to the determination of proper ways to deal with framing the genuine cost of the thing. Thing position is a promoting procedure which needs cash and will include a specific degree of peril. The period Product' alludes to both unmistakable substantial merchandise and arrangements. Sales rep ought to know about the correct method of imparting based from the sort of their clients. </p> <h2> Ielts Essay Samples Features</h2> <p>The presentation of your paper is probably going to incorporate your proposition articulation. Along these lines don't get threatened in the event that you trust you can't compose such papers. Our example a rticle has a simple however predominant presentation where it exhibits that the examinee knows about the subject and obviously expresses the author's situation to build up the rest of the exposition. An all around organized paper has an incredible presentation, body passages that are easy to follow and associate together, and an extraordinary end. </p> <p>If you believe that you have delivered a solid presentation, you must keep up that until the finish of your scholastic paper. Since scholarly expositions are mainstream in the matter of instruction and research, you should ensure your composing is both sensible, fascinating and useful. A scholarly article constantly should be pertinent. Continuously recall your scholastic paper should be perky it must not exhaust your crowd. </p> <p>There are a few people who can't seem to get a handle on composing an arrangement exposition. The accompanying thing is to discover increasingly about the material for your organization paper. The thing is, even in the occasion the paper being referred to isn't in your objective specialty, you are as yet ready to utilize it so as to ensure that the structure designing of the article that you're as of now composing is precise. On the off chance that you wish to make a scholastic paper that is both extraordinary and important, consistently place the things that we've talked about above in mind.</p> <h2>The Argument About Ielts Essay Samples </h2> <p>After the test you will be given a score from 1-9. Would you like to realize how to support your ielts band score. </p> <p>There are a few savvy researchers who don't have the assets to secure significant information to complete their examination. On the planet today, there are many difficulties that loads of men are endeavoring to deal with. Likewise, certain sorts of data in the wrong hands can be destroying for society. On the off chance that you are scanning for help with your exposition, at that point we give a far reaching composing administration offered by completely qualified scholastics in your general vicinity of study.</p>
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Climate Change And Global Warming - 1581 Words
Body I. The differences between climate change and global warming are not necessarily clear. A. First, let’s talk about some of the differences in terminology. 1. Weather is the state of the climate at a particular time in a particular place. It is instantaneous rather than average. 2. Climate is the average of the attributes of weather like temperature and rainfall is taken over a given number of years. Weather is usually chaotic and climate is not. 3. The Earth’s climate governs many things according the book Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast by David Archer. a. Productivity of farms, forests, and fisheries are controlled by climate b. The geography of diseases is determined by Earth’s†¦show more content†¦Glaciers are shrinking in Alaska, the Himalayas, the Andes, and Africa (nasa). Nasa says that about 400 billion tons of glacier loss per year has occurred since 1994 ( 3. Extreme weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes are occurring more often, humidity is rising, and rainfall has increased. According to NASA’s climate change team, the amount of record high temperature events have increased while the lower temperature weather events have decreased since 1950. 4. Global surface temperatures rising is also key evidence. NASA states that, â€Å"All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880. Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years.6 Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue to increase.†( 5. According to NASA’s Global Climate Change website, the global sea level has rose about 6.7 inches in the past 100 y ears- this rate is almost double the rate of the previous century ( 6. Sea surface temperature rising has occurred. NASA explains that the oceans absorbs the heat as the temperature increases and the top 2,300 feet of the ocean has increased by 0.302
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Analysis Of The Film Trainspotting, Directed By Danny Boyle
In 1980’s Scotland, socioeconomic conditions and morale suffered due to the implementation of Thatcher policies, placing the lower class in a deplorable state of hopelessness. The film Trainspotting, directed by Danny Boyle, depicts the plights of young heroin junkies during the Thatcher Era in Edinburgh. The film’s focus is not heroin addiction, but rather, uses the silver screen as a platform to portray the depressing impact Thatcherism had on Scottish socioeconomic conditions as conveyed through the protagonist, heroin-addicted Mark Renton. Trainspotting illustrates that the social struggles of the Scottish lower class during the Thatcher Era are significant contributing factors to cause Renton to become a heroin user in order to escape the depressing and monotonous existence to which he is subjected. The Thatcher Era negatively influenced the socioeconomic conditions of Scotland for eleven years, during which time Trainspotting is set, which illuminates the impact of Thatcherism on the morale and pride of the Scottish people. During her tenure as Prime Minister, from 1979 to 1990, Margret Thatcher hoped to restore a sense of British pride following the Winter of Discontent, but in doing so, she implemented taxes and limited the creations and power of labor unions. These changes were not received well and profoundly influenced the conditions of the Scottish social system and diminished both their British and national pride (Stewart 13). Although Thatcherism was intended
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Chronicles of When Comparing Topics in an Essay, What Type of Headings Are Usewd?
<h1> The Chronicles of When Comparing Topics in an Essay, What Type of Headings Are Usewd? </h1> <p>The sections which structure the body of a history article gives chronicled verification to help the proposition explanation. On the off chance that considering a counterargument changes your position, you should return and overhaul your underlying contention as needs be. What's significant isn't you don't think about other potential contentions, yet rather that you consider and negate them. Present every contention reasonably and equitably, instead of endeavoring to cause it to seem silly. </p> <p>A title must be chosen carefully after you pick the exploration subject. You initially disclose how you need to break down the issue, and you do as such. </p> <p>Suggest a relationship between factors which underpins the significant theory. A paper question will furnish you with solid pieces of information in regards to both which sorts of authoritat ive and powerful position you should concentrate on. Without a doubt the most significant point in the innovation of tension is the production of vulnerability. Obviously, it won't generally be easy to express an extremely clear winneryou may need to qualify the ends from various perspectives, giving a few ends to different sicknesses. </p> <h2> The Characteristics of when Comparing Topics in an Essay, What Type of Headings Are Usewd ? </h2> <p>The center part of the article must satisfy the guarantees made in your presentation, and need to help your last decisions. A progressively multifaceted proposition will regularly consolidate the two similitudes and contrasts. Great, helpfully basic input can flexibly you with brilliant direction about how to support your article composing. There should likewise be an appropriate harmony among these paper segments. </p> <h2>When Comparing Topics in an Essay, What Type of Headings Are Usewd ? Choices </h2 > <p>As a dependable guideline, you should address only one major thought for every passage. At another stage, you may wish to sum up an indispensable segment or section of a source inside a sentence. Each passage has a pivotal thought or fundamental thought. The last passage in an article is commonly the end. </p> <p>Double-check to see that sentences are sufficiently shifted long and design, and there are no sections or run-ons. There are a few sorts of structures that may get you a high score. Heading set 2 by and large, you're anticipated to utilize headings effectively all together for your composing is clear, and plainly you have addressed the set up question. </p> <h2> But What About when Comparing Topics in an Essay, What Type of Headings Are Usewd ?? </h2> <p>To create a sound and all around organized article, you only need to truly comprehend the requests of the inquiry. Before you start the most significant part of your exposit ion or task, there should be a cover sheet. The end seals the examination article and endeavors to close the issue. In law articles, you will as often as possible need to think about issues from different pieces of the schedule, or even past the prospectus in the example of open approach contentions. </p> <p>Also, messages on the web are more straightforward to peruse on screen should they have headings. Articles have different structures. Despite the fact that this kind of exposition may seem, by all accounts, to be to some degree engaging with respect to simple structure, be careful! The following are increasingly point by point inquiries to consider when reacting to singular types of expositions. </p> <p>A coach can gain proficiency with an agonizing sum over the evaluation of your article basically from how it appears on the website page. All of composing, regardless of whether it's a diary passage or an official article, must be composed and stapled. The presentation of an enticing exposition or paper must be huge. Ultimately, you should take a rest from your article so you can return to it with open-minded perspectives for the last editing.</p> <p>If you'd lean toward another conclusion, our exposition editors are quite often promptly accessible to give assistance. The point of the paper must be made clear and the peruser should have the option to track with its turn of events. End is the past bit of the paper your peruser will understanding. End The end is proposed to give the peruser a synopsis of the paper. </p> <h2>Top When Comparing Topics in an Essay, What Type of Headings Are Usewd ? Decisions </h2> <p>At some time you may need to sum up a significant source in some detail. The absolute first sentence of each segment of the task should be a quick reaction to each bit of the undertaking. At that point you should arrange for how you will react to every component of the title. While rehashin g components of a work can be an intense instrument so as to add accentuation to that component, it should be utilized with care. </p> <h2> The Demise of when Comparing Topics in an Essay, What Type of Headings Are Usewd ?</h2> <p>You may likewise need to join a speedy conversation of more research that should be finished considering your work. In these areas, you will see extensive rules about how to improve one of a kind components of strategy, helping you to consummate your exposition composing aptitudes. The most significant body of the paper ought to give a few proposals to a potential method to unravel the issue and conceivable state results or anticipated advantages. Instances of the sort of paper incorporate inquiries which pose to you to state or investigate the impacts or layout the hotspots for the point. </p> <p>Therefore, you have your theory, having effectively distinguished the locale that must be analyzed and what sort of inquiry i t is. In case you're examining a hypothesis or research study ensure that you refer to the root of the data. You ought to present your specific theme and flexibly any basic foundation data that the peruser would must have so as to grasp the difficult that you're introducing in the paper. Comprehension of the law is obviously foremost, however by and by, it will be insufficient alone. </p> <p>Don't overlook, getting the most significant thought of a passage is basic to perusing. Now and again you can detect this issue via scanning for a word or two that rehash. Try not to make the mistake of composing the entirety of the information you know with respect to a particular theme. The key issue is to stay centered around your point and stick to the facts.</p> <h2> The One Thing to Do for when Comparing Topics in an Essay, What Type of Headings Are Usewd ?</h2> <p>So, you should form a verbose exposition. While an interpretive exposition should be clear and compact, it might likewise be enthusiastic and locks in. There are some differing systems for composing an interpretive paper. The three-section exposition isn't a special case. </p> <p>Before beginning to form an exposition, it is very significant first to grasp what it is about. Continue perusing, and you'll discover how to create a determination for a rambling article. A decent proposal articulation adds to a decent exposition. </p>
Literary Essay Topics That Will Fit Any Topic
<h1>Literary Essay Topics That Will Fit Any Topic</h1><p>Looking at the Literary Essay Topic Pyramid you can see there are various sorts of subjects that are accessible to compose for; Robbery, Life and Death, Poverty, Victory, War, Death and that's only the tip of the iceberg. There are such a large number of various kinds of subjects to look over and finding a topic that is fascinating and to the point to make your paper famous is key.</p><p></p><p>Robinson Crusoe is a character that is well known in fiction since he is exceptionally intriguing. He generally appears to end up with a hard time discovering nourishment. This made him well known and in a large number of the books he was the focal character.</p><p></p><p>In a similar way that we like to find out about what's going on in our present reality this is the reason Robinsons Crusoe topic is extraordinary compared to other abstract article points for kids and tee nagers. There are a few explanations behind that and here and there it will make your scholarly article point unique.</p><p></p><p>First, in a significant number of the Robinsons Crusoe stories there are individuals who are eager and need to eat something that they don't have. They discover nourishment by utilizing their minds and exploiting others. More often than not they do get what they need and can live cheerfully ever after.</p><p></p><p>In huge numbers of the books, Robinson Crusoe would leave the world for some time and afterward return and deliver retribution on the abhorrent individual who treated them terribly. He was frequently a sort, mindful, sympathetic man and that makes him engaging readers.</p><p></p><p>There are various instances of what others have finished with artistic article themes, for example, Shakespeare's Henry VI or Romeo and Juliet. You can likewise take a gander at crafted by Hemin gway, Dickens, and Steinbeck. These writers love topics that have to do with endurance and how individuals adapt to life's circumstances and challenges.</p><p></p><p>Finally, the characters in Robinson Crusoe were somewhat of a maverick, yet the peruser regularly becomes more acquainted with this is simply one more character and that Robinson and his companions become genuine companions. The fundamental character, named John Higginson, is the person who makes some hard memories discovering nourishment, which turns into the focal point of the story.</p><p></p><p>Using subjects, for example, these will help make your abstract exposition themes all the more fascinating and will have the option to meet your requirements. On the off chance that you realize you are searching for a specific subject, at that point utilize a web index and have a go at looking for any of the book topics that intrigue you.</p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects of the Slave Trade on West Africa - 1135 Words
DSC Date:12th/3/13 History Assignment Topic: Examine the social, economic and political effects of the slave trade on West Africa The trans- Atlantic slave trade was a system developed in the late 15th century which exploited and brought the African people into enslavement by transporting them to the colonies of the new world where they served their purpose as a ‘’cheap’’ labour force . As a result of this, the slave trade brought about many social, economic and political effects on West Africa. Firstly, the population in West Africa decreased significantly in order to meet the great demand for†¦show more content†¦Great fear of being enslaved developed among many Africans who even abandoned their homes for safety. This gave rise to distrust and divided communities as aggressive tribalism increased and in some cases entire tribes and nations were virtually destroyed. Another effect of the slave trade on West Africa was that it led to cultural diversity. As Europeans (such as the Dutch and Portuguese) began to settle in African states they spread their cultural practices such as language; many African tribes and European languages were mixed thereby forming new languages like ‘swahili’. The slave trade also contributed to spiritual erasure. Certain religious institutions were so focused on meeting the needs of the trade and consequently, became depraved. They developed a deep desire for Europeans goods and this also resulted in a new class of African e ntrepreneurs. The Europeans traded goods such as firearms, iron, horses, cloth and tobacco in return for slaves. And with the supply of these goods, the Africans created businesses by selling the valuable products to the public and received great profits. The trans-Atlantic trade also had several effects on the economy of West Africa. The slave trade resulted in West Africa being robbed of its most valuable raw material, which was its human resource. The economic development of the nation was therefore hindered by exporting and exploiting its human labor force. Additionally, they neglected theirShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Slave Trade On West Africa1055 Words  | 5 PagesIn addition to the impacts of the slave trade on the social history of Africa, there were also major impacts on the political history. Below, three major impacts of the slave trade on the political history of West Africa will be discussed. To begin with, an impact that the slave trade had on West Africa is that it made the area more susceptible to colonization by European powers. There were two main ways in which the slave trade made it easier for European powers to colonize; the ways are the lossRead MoreImpact Of Trans Atlantic Slave Trade On African Societies1314 Words  | 6 PagesFor 300 years, Africa participated in the Atlantic slave trade, providing humans in exchange for other goods. During that 300 years, some twelve million Africans were transported to the Americas. This mass, forced migration had many consequences for Africa, in many aspects of its history. In World History classesâ€â€both high school and college these consequences for Africa are usually omitted, and a more Eurocentric view of the Atlantic slave trade dominates. Because of this, many are not aware ofRead MoreEffects Of The Atlantic Slave Trade On Africa1516 Words  | 7 PagesEffects of the Atlantic Slave Trade on Africa The Atlantic slave trade existed from the 16th to the early 19th century and stimulated trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Over 12 million Africans were captured and sold into chattel slavery off the coast of West Africa, and more than 2 million of them died crossing the Atlantic. These outcomes of the slave trade are rarely disputed among historians; the effect of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa, however, is often a topic of debate.Read MoreImpact Of Slave Trade On West Africa1153 Words  | 5 PagesFor 300 years, Africa participated in the Atlantic Slave Trade, providing humans in exchange for other goods. During that 300 years, some twelve million Africans were transported to the Americas. This mass, forced migration had many consequences for Africa, in many aspects of its history. In World History classesâ€â€both high school and college these consequences for Africa are usually omitted, and a more Eurocentric view of the Atlantic Slave Trade domina tes. Because of this, many are not aware ofRead MoreWest Africa during the Nineteenth Century1563 Words  | 7 PagesThe Atlantic slave trade was abolished by the British parliament in 1807. This caused great problems for West African slave traders who had witnessed a period of vast growth in the industry towards the end of the eighteenth century. They now had to focus on more lawful, legitimate means of trading. The types of industry that often replaced the slave trade were produce based, agricultural goods such as palm oil. The potential problems faced by traders were ‘exacerbated by the fact that it coincidedRead MoreImmediate and Far Reaching Effects of the Slave Trade Essay examples614 Words  | 3 Pagestrans-Atlantic slave trade set in motion a series of events that ultimately crippled a continent, and forever change how those of African descent became viewed around the world. The effects of the slave trade were both immediate and far reaching. In this essay I wil l discuss a few of the immediate effects of the slave trade as well as some of it farther reaching consequences. One of the most impactful immediate effects of the slave trade was the effect it had on the population of West Africa. In classRead MorePrimary Source Evaluation Essay1018 Words  | 5 PagesTitle of Primary Source: ACCOUNT OF THE SLAVE TRADE ON THE COAST OF AFRICA by ALEXANDER FALCONBRIDGE The book was published in 1788 -- substantially after the events described took place. The time gap did not seriously affect the main content of the material because the events he describes were very serious and unforgettable ones. He wrote the material at the time he had already been a member of the Anti- Slavery Society leaving room for a little suspicion of his tendency to exaggerate some descriptionsRead MoreThe Effects Of Afrique Engagee On Africa1083 Words  | 5 Pagescountries outside of Africa that played a big role in the Atlantic Slave trade and in the long run caused Africa to have a huge delay in it’s development. This concept includes exports of slaves by sex and age, prices of exports, changes in quantity of slaves, and the products/resources that were big in trade. Afrique Engagà ©e caused Europe to have so much power and success over Africa based on Africa’s goods and people. Emergent Africa, which includes the issue of Africa was just an effect of Afrique Engagà ©eRead MoreThe Atlantic Slave Trade, Commerce Between Asia And The West And Connection Through Agriculture976 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Trade has been an essential part of the world dating back to the Stone Ages, in which man was known to trade obsidian and flint. Trade has been the key for the human race to interact and bring together cross-cultural contact all throughout the world. Strayer and Nelson prove this point to be true throughout their book with examples like the Atlantic Slave Trade, commerce between Asia and the West and connection through agriculture. It is seen throughout history that trade is an importantRead MoreAfrican Slave Trade in American History1725 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"African Slave Trade in American History†Slavery has taken place throughout the world since before ancient times, and the act of trading slaves was a common act throughout the world for centuries. Slavery previously existed in certain parts of Africa, Europe, Asia, and also in America before the beginning of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. What initially started out as an enormous search for trade in gold, spices, and etc., ended up turning into an callous human trading system of exporting African
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Marketing Strategy of Tata Nano Essay Example For Students
Marketing Strategy of Tata Nano Essay Introduction About the TATA MOTORS Tata Motors is Indias largest automobile company, with consolidated revenues of Rs 92,519 crore ($20 billion) in 2009-10. Through subsidiaries and associate companies. Tata Motors is the countrys market leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger vehicles. It is also the worlds fourth largest truck manufacturer and the second largest bus manufacturer. Tata cars, buses and trucks are being marketed in several countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia and South America. About the TATA NANO TATA NANO with a tag line of â€Å"Peoples Car†its self tells that made for that people who just Imagine that when will be he/his family having a car Shree Ratan Tata came with NANO concept with 1 lakh Rupees dreamed car. Idea Generation I saw families riding around on scooters with kids standing up and the mother carrying a baby and sitting pillion and decided to do something about it. It started as a quest for an affordable transportation solution. Tata Nano: Specifications ? Looks: The snub-nosed car keeps in the tradition of the Fiat 500, Nissan Micra and the Smart. ? Dimensions: 3. 1 meters (10. 23 feet) long, 1. 5 meters wide and 1. meters high. Can seat four to five people ? Engine: A two cylinder 623 cc, 35 horsepower rear mounted, all aluminum, multi-point fuel injection petrol engine can power the car to top speeds of 105 kilometers per hour (65 miles per hour). ? Fuel Efficiency: 20 kilometers per liter, or 50 miles per gallon is claimed. ? Pollution: Exceeds India n regulatory requirements and can meet strict Euro IV emission standards. In terms of overall pollutants, Tata says the car is better than two-wheelers manufactured in India currently ? Safety: Car exceeds current regulatory requirements with a strong passenger compartment, crumple ones, intrusion resistant doors, seat belts, strong seats and anchorage. ? Nearest Domestic Car Rival: Maruti 800, part of Japanese-owned Suzuki Maruti stable whose base model sells for about 4,800 dollars nearly double the price of the Nano ? Nearest International Rival: Chinas Chery QQ which retails for 3,600 dollars. ? Market: Indias car market is a huge draw because car penetration is just seven per 1,000 people, compared to 550 per 1,000 in such countries as Germany or 476 in France, according to the Society of Indian Automobiles |Length |3. mtr | |Wide |1. 5 mtr | |Height |1. 6 mtr | |Weight |600 kg | |Mileage |20 kmpl | |Fuel tank |15 ltr | |Engine |624 cc | |Top Speed |95 – 100 kph | |Grou nd clearance |180 mm | |Gear box |4 speed | Product Features |Brand |Model |Variant |Engine |CC |Power |AC |Price | | | | |Cylinder | | | |In Lakh | |TATA |NANO |BASIC |2 |623 |35 |NO |1. | |TATA |INDICA |XETA GLE |4 |1193 |65. 3 |YES |2. 82 | |MARUTI |800 |STANDARD |3 |796 |37 |NO |1. 86 | |MARUTI |OMNI |PETROL |3 |796 |47 |NO |2. 3 | |MARUTI |ALTO |STANDARD |3 |796 |35 |NO |2. 26 | |HYUNDAI |SANTRO |GL |4 |1086 |62 |NO |2. 21 | |CHERVROLET |SPARK |STANDARD |4 |995 |63 |YES |2. 61 | Segmentation Variable |Used | |Geographic |Rural and Urban | |Demographic |Family size and Income wise | |Behavioral |Benefit and user status | Target Market: Executive two wheeler segment, second hand car user, auto rickshaw market, middle and lower income group people. Promotion activities ? Enough use of one of the most important element of promotion mix, publicity reduces the necessity of other promotional devices for nano, Nano got the publicity in the following ways:- 1) Publicity as â€Å"One lakh Rupee car†by mouth to mouth 2) Au to expo 2008, New Delhi and Geneva 3) Publicity through print and electronic media ) Singur violation 5) Online buzz :- Tata Motor Marketing team has gone beyond the traditional of advertising and promotion online. a) Social media communities ? Official Orkut community members – 11,454 ? Official Facebook Group fans – 9,181 ? Highest view count on Youtube – 6,11,534 ? TATA have a blog on the official website they have been discussing interesting topics and generally an active community
Evaluation of Current IHRM Practices for Amazon Free-Samples
Question: Discuss about the an Evaluation of the Current IHRM Policies and Practices. Answer: Introduction There was a time HRM (Human Resource Management) was considered as a support function in the organization. With time HRM has emerged as a critical function. The emphasis on HRM has further increased as the organizations have started to expand in the international market. In todays competitive business world, companies are largely seeking for ways to secure their competitive position as most of the rivals easily copy competitive advantages (i.e. low cost or differentiation) within a very short period of time. Having identified this, most of the firms focus on developing sustainable HR strategies, which can be hardly replicated by industry competition. For most of the firms, human capital has been the critical success factor, which helped them to reach greater heights. Google, Facebook, Microsoft etc. provide fine examples within this context. Thus, spending on employee recruitment and development should be considered as an investment, which accelerate business growth and sustainabilit y (Bansal, 2015). When it comes to recruitment, there are different strategies followed by different firms and these are highly context dependent. Firms need to consider the nature of the business, type of the vacancy, recruitment costs, quality of the expected recruits, relative importance of the vacant position, etc. before taking any recruitment decisions. With the difficulty in the recruitment process in international environment and the difficulty to manage the resources in global environment, there has been a push to the concept of international human resource management. By definition, international Human resource management is the process of procuring allocating and effectively utilizing the human resources in a multinational corporation (Conway Monks, 2017). The objective of this paper is to discuss the concept of International Human Resource Management for Amazon Inc. The paper would discuss the two IHRM concepts of international recruitment and performance management. A brief organizational background can be discussed as: Organizational background Amazon is a known brand of e-commerce in different companies. It is a multinational company that operates in different parts of the world. The company has close to 3,41,000 employees. These employees are spread over more than 100 countries. This scale in itself speaks about the importance of international human resource management for Amazon. The management of Amazon believes that Employees are the most valuable resource in a business and they should be recruited with a great responsibility using well-streamlined and globally accepted procedures (Podsiadlowski Groschke, 2013). Blindly benchmarking competitor recruitment strategies can be detrimental for the growth of the business as organizational culture can be significantly different among firms. Thus, recruitment strategies followed by competitors may work within their organizational climate, but can generate poor results if you used by some other firms. The paper would analyze the international recruitment strategy and performan ce management system for Amazon. It is important to mention that Amazon has a strong human resource management system in place. The evaluation of current international human resource management practices of Amazon can be discussed as: Evaluation of current IHRM practices for Amazon Nowadays, recruitment is the first process, which makes the relationship with employers and employees in the company, and it helps organizations to understand candidates and give them training in specific time to achieve the goal. The biggest issue of workforce composition for Amazon is cultural challenges. It is not easy for new generation workers to work with the people from different culture. The leaders and management of Amazon realizes the importance of human resource management function. The company has a central HRM team that manages the local HR operations across its various locations. The two key functions of international human resource management of Amazon can be discussed as: International recruitment If organizations follow the same dull recruitment process chances are that they might not be able to attract the right candidates. For example, there could be many talented candidates in other firms who are happy with their jobs and may not even look at job adverts published on various recruitment sites. The management of Amazon has realized that they need to draft the job descriptions and specifications appropriately in order to identify theright capabilitiesand recruit the right fit to achieve their ultimate objectives. However, it need to keep in mind that the potential employees are a resource to Amazon and the company can grasp the most out of them to achieve higher revenue and profits. Thus, Amazon need to change the traditional methods of shortlisting candidates based on resumes only and takes a different approach other than job adverts to attracting the talent in the market. Alternatively, for the senior positions, Amazon can look at internal recruitment as evidence shows it is less costly to retain employees rather than recruit externally. Plus the existing employees are well aware of Amazons culture and work practices, which mean the company, can save time and cost on training (Deadrick Stone, 2015). As the company grown, Amazon has more focused on cost competitiveness. There is a shortage of qualified engineers in the e-commerce industry. Every engineer needs skills and competencies to do work in Amazon. Job description for each vacancy has four parameters such as skills, knowledge, behaviors and expectations. The internal recruitment process would have more attention on the practicality of the candidate. It must focused on evidence-based. Performance Management Arguinis (2013) defines the process of performance management as the encouraging relationship between a trainer/coach/tutor and an employee, working jointly with the aim of achieving optimal performance. The performance management process can be used to communicate the objectives and goals of an organization, to reiterate the accountability of the employees to meeting these goals and to evaluate and track the performance of the employees and organization as a whole. It portrays the relationship in which the team leader or manager avails employees with the opportunity to contribute to the organization. Performance management process is a well-defined process for managing employees, which results to success for the employees and the organization as well (Cadwell, 2000). As effective as the process of performance management is, it also has some of its limitations/challenges it encounters. One of the challenges that can be encountered is having a wrong design (Cadwell, 2000). The performance management system and process has to align with the specific needs of the organization in order to plan effectively. There ought to be a consultation between the stakeholders (employees and managers) of how the processes will be executed. The management of Amazon believes in one on one and personal interaction to measure the performance of employees. There are clear tensions between trying to use one interview to make decisions on reward whilst also trying to identify areas of weakness. This is of course because employees are very unlikely to have an open conversation about their weaknesses when they are anxious to highlight their strengths to pursue a bigger bonus. Roberts, (2002) contends that participating employee in performance appraisal can enhance work-related independent, an essential prerequisite for employee growth. Intrinsic motivational approaches have evidently maintained communication trust and confidence in employees performance. One of the key aspects of performance management system for Amazon is documentation. Regarding this, Latham (2014) explain that employee performance problems are often caused by failings and shortcomings by the manager which (i) do not strictly follow the procedure; (ii) do not provide proper orientation and training to the employee; and (iii) left the employees to resolve work related issues alone or with teammates guidance. For this particular case of a dismissal based on a performance problem, documentation would include copies of counseling sessions and other discussions as well as copies of any performance improvement plans and subsequent follow-up activities (Pudelko Reiche, 2015). As stated by Pudelko Reiche (2015),"if it is not documented, it never happened". What is observed nowadays is many shortcuts are being done; other contexts rationalize the use of e-mails as source of documentation. However, there are sensitive views about the excessive documentation and email excha nge which can also be viewed as intimidation for the employees as it would be used as a fact in the future. The documentation of the performance review and assessment can provide the managers with a tool to remember the important positive and negative feedback and use it for administration decision such as salary increment, bonus, incentives, training and development, promotion, dismissal and corrective action. Documentation of performance review can save organization thousands of dollars and headaches when it comes to disciplining employees (Lyster and Arthur, 2007). The effectiveness that Amazon has experienced through Performance Management derives in the approach as a result of interactions not limited to process steps but instead is ongoing. Before the change, employees reported that the PMS was disconnected to their daily work, that feedback was rather seen as a must-do and that the whole PM was seen as an administrative drill. One year after the change 85% reported that there were continuous discussions between employees and managers and that useful feedback was provided when it was helpful. It might be a good idea to overthink the concept of PM as a process and see it rather see it an attitude that must be implemented in corporate life. Conclusion The above paper discusses the international human resource management function for Amazon. The paper discusses the functions of international recruitment and performance management for Amazon. Generally, in business, production and marketing are considered as the primary business functions and HR is just a supportive function. In the presence of a great leadership, HR is just common sense and if rightly monitored, any firm could generate excellent results with their workforce. When the companies grow in size, a formal HR department should be there to facilitate administrative procedures, but HR has a lesser strategic relevance in the business of engineering consultancy, as it does not directly contribute for the profitability of the business or ROI. Having identified this, all costs associated to HR should be carefully decided and competitor benchmarking is a great way of doing that. Benchmarking the recruitment strategies used by key competitors will deliberately reduce the risk of attracting wrong candidates and it will reduce the recruitment costs in a great deal. If we want to try some different recruitment strategies, it has to be well justified and theres a huge risk involved, as no one has ever tried that before. The key recommendation for Amazon is that Recruitment process should be non-identical so as to segregate our organisation from others. As a result, this recruiting process may become useful for all and can achieve satisfactory level with ethics and norms. This is how recruiting process should be owned at Amazon. It can be said that it is not a sensible method to follow our competitors approaches in recruitment. When we look at the growth of Amazon and the numbers, we forget sometimes, that the important factor behind those numbers are the employees, the employees work hard to achieve these numbers and the success of our company will depend on how we look at recruitment. It is also recommended that Amazon should also have strong strategy in place for change management. The industry is a dynamic industry and the focus on change management would help Amazon to have a tight control over its human resource management strategies References Aguinis, H. 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